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Who I am - What I believe

I am a mom to three+ and a wife to one. Over the last 29+ years I have raised my children, learned, and served with my husband by my side. Those years have led me to serve our state so that we can keep Arizona a great place for our children and grandchildren to grow.  Knowing the importance of education, I obtained a Bachelor of Human Resource Management and a Master of Accounting and Financial Management. My education provided the skills to serve with a knowledge base but being a Mom provided the heart for kids and the strength to stand against adversity.  Having a special needs child, we have had to learn how to navigate the various systems for education. I have found that there is not enough support for our parents to empower them to ensure their kids are educated to THEIR beliefs. Schools are to be a resource for our parents. They are not to take liberties with how our kids are educated. As a Governing Board Member I have had the privilege of advocating for parents rights.  Part of advocating for parents is also helping them work in the systems we have.

Students need the love and guidance from their parents, but they also need good and highly qualified Teachers.  Part of the job of being a school  board member is also trying to advocate for the staff of the district.  We do this by ensuring our policies are written correctly, our finances are used appropriately, and our schools have the support needed.  One of the primary ways to ensure our families are working with our staff is by ensuring our actions are transparent and our families are included.  In my first term we made it a goal to ensure our families were a part of the whole District so they could support each other at their campus, but also so they could support across the entire community.  A lot of that has been lost over the last few years.  Be it COVID or just general politics, our communities have divided.  We can get it back if we work on it.  That starts with electing a Board that can work together By the Community and For the Community.

Thanks to the efforts of our community I was able to turn in over 700 signatures to be on the ballot this November.  Unfortunately, not all community members want a united district so they will work to undo the good we do but if we stand together for our kids,

We Can Succeed in UNITING Parents, Teachers, Support, and Administration.

The Issues

Catch Words - Real Issues

In education there are individuals who are using the Catch Words or Topics to run a campaign, stop others campaigns, or push  agendas. None of this should be done on the backs of our children even if it is what some have done since Biblical times. We need to be sure we are working to educate our children and that means support their parents to make informed decisions. It also means we support our teachers to work together and with the parents to ensure they have the resources to be successful in educating students.  Below I will list some of the issues in DVUSD and in education overall.
Critical Race Theory (CRT)

CRT is definitely a real thing, but unfortunately it is often misrepresented or used for political or personal agenda purposes depending on what side of the isle you are on. CRT is actually a spin on the old Marxist theory with race replacing status. Simply bringing in Marxism with race as the focal point wasn't going to fly in America. Too many Americans really did and do believe in the constitution and in that, do believe that all are created equal so much so that CRT was held back by the Civil Rights movement in the 60s as America embraced rights for all. CRT remained in Universities and governmental entities finding its way into society through mostly Human Resource laws and policies. In the 90s the new serge found its legs as it grasped on to use 'Equity' in place of 'Equality'. Just as Marxism using class was stopped, it is time that we also stop Marxism using Race as their mechanism. This will take action at the Department of Education as well as in the legislature ensuring that our laws are able to stop the Marxist Regime.

Comprehensive Sex Education

The push to sexualize children started with the removal of laws that prevented teaching of alternative lifestyles. This did not just happen over night and will not be easy to stop. It will take parents standing up for their rights to teach their beliefs to their children. It will also need an administration at the department of education that is focused on the teaching of curriculum standards that are in line with core topics. Focus needs to be shifted to reading, mathematics, science, history, technology, and skills for success. The teaching of controversial topics should be left to the parents.

Title IX - Protect Our Girls

Schools should not be used for political manipulation and it should not be used to push agendas.  We don't need to define anything or anyone, but there are facts that we all know and have known for a long time.  Chromosomes define male (XY) or female (XX).  It doesn't matter what someone feels like when it comes to this.  Your chromosomes will determine your bone structure and muscle mass and this will have more to do with your athletic ability.  Our girls need to be protected to have their sports where they can learn, grow and succeed just like our boys.   Co-Ed sports are open to everyone.  It is up to the Governing Board to have policies that protect all of our students based on these facts alone.  Currently DVUSD does not have a policy.  We also need to have a policy to protect the privacy of our students in the bathrooms.  we have male and female use bathrooms and there are alternatives if needed but our students should not have to fear having the opposite biological sex in their bathroom.

What We Can and Should Do!! My Action Plan!

I have said it before and I will say it again....Don't fall for catch phrases or incomplete answers. Ask candidates to give you their why and their how when they tell you they are seeking to address issues.

Your Governing Board members have a responsibility to the community.  We are not there to represent the District.  We are there to represent the public interest in the district that they own. Any agency our community goes to for help will send them to the Governing Board to address issues.  We should be doing it!!

From my years of experience and education I know the following is needed:

  1. Parent education programs. How to navigate the system and what options can meet your needs.

  2. Teachers working with teachers is what brings methods to help students learn.  continuous additions of "the next best thing" just adds to what our teachers need to do.  We should be a resource, not a burden. 

  3. Elected Governing Boards should not be allowed to abdicate their responsibility to the superintendent, and they should not be turning a blind eye to inappropriate actions or behaviors of the superintendent.

  4. The public does not have unlimited funds.  The Governing Board should be ensuring the funds are used wisely for the benefit of educating students.